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Рубрики 1917-1939; Версия для печати

Когда U.K. начало терять колониальные рынки часть 2

Защищали ли колонии рынки промышленности U.K. от ввоза продукции из других стран?
C 1932 г. текстильная промышленность U.K. стала испытывать жесткую конкуренцию со стороны Японии. Меморандум для членов Правительства U.K.:

Memorandum by the President of the Board of Trade.
Japanese Competition In the Textile Trade.

Japanese competition has become an increasingly serious menace in our export market during the past year, as a result largely of the depreciation of the yen added to the already low wages.
Exports of cotton piece goods . (1'000 sq. yards ).
From Japan: 1931 - 1’413’780 , 11 months 1932 – 1’821’095.
From UK: 1931 - 1’716’342, 11 months 1932 - 2’002’213.

It is urged by Lancashire that the prices at which the Japanese are able to offer their goods are a severe threat to their markets, and that it is essential that some assistance should be given to Lancashire in British territory.
In East Africa, Japan already has the bulk of the trade and last year was still gaining ground, in spite of a small increase in imports from the U.K. These territories are at present prevented from affording a preference to British goods by the St. Jermain Convention of 1919, to which Japan is a party.
Japanese are already well-established in East Africa, it is doubtful whether any preference which would not be regarded as imposing too great a burden on the native population would be sufficient to reinstate Lancashire goods.
Lancashire chief concern at present is to prevent Japan from securing the valuable West African market as she has already secured the East African market; and it is in these Colonies that the possibility of action is being examined.
The value of the exports of cotton piece - goods from the U.K. to these Colonies in 1932 was about £ 3,000,000.

The Government of Ceylon, however, had not agreed to give a preference to Lancashire cotton goods, and Ceylon is one of the markets in which there was a decrease of exports from the U.K. in 1932.

Board of Trade,
1st March, 1933.

Речь члена Парламента Mr. BAILEY от 09 ноября 1933
“Let us take the case of Ceylon..
If we take the year 1924, Ceylon consumed 42,800,000 square yards of cotton piece goods.
In that year the consumption in Ceylon had gone up to 68,600,000 square yards.
.. in the course of less than 10 years, Japan had increased from 3,000,000 to 40,000,000 square yards in that market, and we had decreased from 20,000,000 to 15,800,000 square yards.”

География экспорта продукции из хлопка U.K. и Японии:



Таким образом, в 1933 г. из всех колоний преференции предоставила только Индия, взимавшая при ввозе продукции из хлопка 25% стоимости в случае продукции U.K. и 50% (а с лета 1933 г. 75%) – Японии. И существовала потенциальная возможность попытаться защитить рынки Западной Африки. В остальных колониях Япония наращивала продажи без препятствий.